Friday, April 15, 2011

Candy Land

Xander's neck was the first thought of the day. He is keeping it more straight now and I took him in for his adjustment at the chiropractor. The chiropractor said it went into place better than it did last time. He thinks Xander should be pretty much recovered by Monday. I had to agree because by the afternoon he was pretty much back to himself. It seems he must have just suddenly jerked and really pulled his muscle.I had the kids rest up for the afternoon since we had a big evening planned. We were going to the Candy land event at my mom's work. We grabbed a bite for supper and then met my mom who was just getting off work. They had various baskets to win and you could buy tickets to be entered in the drawing. Landon brought his tooth fairy money and he put all his tickets in for the swimming pool prize. The swimming pool prize was filled with everything you'd need for the beach.He particularly liked a claw sand toy and thought all his tickets were going to win just that. Jadzia spent the majority of her time in the little candy land play house. She also became a hoarder of pink balloons. Landon enjoyed doing the chicken dance and Hokey Pokey the best. Xander just liked all the candy. The kids didn't win any of the drawings and Landon was a little sad about the sand toy. Grandma saw the brand it was and got both him and Xander one. Jadzia got a pony bubble blower.
We had a pretty fun night and the kids should sleep well. We didn't make it home until almost ten and the kids finally climbed into their beds around 10:30. Inara missed me but she had a fun night with Grandpa and Ronan. She's now wide awake unwilling to leave mommy's side. Mommy was gone for five hours and we have to make up for lost time.

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