Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dressed up for Church

The main start of the morning was getting five kids ready for church. I wanted to grab a quick picture of the kids in their dress clothes. Trying to get a picture of five small children all together is not a quick task but we managed and then proceeded on our mission of getting out the door. I originally dressed Inara in a short sleeved black and white dress but when I felt the wind chill I changed her into her green dress with her pink sweater.I went to my parent's church today. The kids are going to be in a Easter play there next Sunday. I went to the English speaking part since my parent's church is in Spanish. After church we went out to lunch and Ronan tried to eat a french fry but more than half of it stuck out of his mouth as he tried to figure out the best way to break it off without using his hands.
When we got home it was nap for the kids. I had to practice my speech for tomorrow. It is my final speech and I have to pass it. If I don't pass this single speech I fail the entire class despite the A grade I currently hold. They set it up so if you miss or fail a single speech you fail the entire class. Speech class is not a class I want to repeat.Two new things. Xander learned to feed Inara. While it turned out messier than mommy's version it still got the job done. I can't hamper free help from a proud big brother. Also Inara has picked up Ronan's bad tv watching habit. They enjoyed this Iron man commercial right before mommy made their big brothers take them a proper eye distance from the tv.
In the evening we snuggled up for a movie and then off to bed for the kiddos. Tomorrow another busy week begins full of appointments, classes and all around fun family time. This coming weekend is expected to be full of fun and the remembrance of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm looking forward to Easter or as my Dad loves to call it Resurrection Sunday.

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