Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Green Eggs

Ronan had his big therapy day which is what Tuesdays will be until further notice. Ronan gets the undivided attention of three wonderful ladies for a span of about an hour and a half to two hours. The first part he got to eat sweet potatoes as long as he signed "eat" or "more". Sometimes he would get a bit lazy and hit the table for "more". The next lesson was on how to remove his socks and shoes. There was a little bit of a struggle on the shoes because they are on pretty tight because of the braces. This made the main point of the exercise to remove his socks. With the love Ronan has for socks this proved fun.
Next up was his all time favorite, the swing. He loves the platform swing so much that they make him do other tasks and the swing is the reward. Little does he know the swing is helping to strengthen his tummy muscles and improve his balance. Much to Ronan's disappointment he wasn't left to swing all day. He had to move on to treadmill therapy, walking up and down a low step and walking up and down a small ramp while holding onto the therapist's hand. His main motivation was the accordion tubes that the therapist put on the side she wanted him to walk to. when we got home he crashed right on top of a huge pile of blankets. Therapy had worn him out.
Every now and then we pick one of the kids to have a fun time without any other kids. Jadzia got to go to the natural living expo with me, Landon got to go to a movie with his dad recently and today Xander was picked to have a fun day out. We went to the pet store. He told me how much he wishes he could have a guinea pig or a lizard. He wanted to see dogs but this store had none so we decided to go to the animal shelter. Xander's favorite was a pit bull. The pit bull took a liking to Xander as well.
The main event was the Easter egg hunt taking place at the grocery store. The weather was cold and rainy which moved the Easter egg hunt inside the store. We walked around to each department (the deli, pharmacy ect..) and he gathered eggs. For some reason he only wanted the green eggs. The Easter bunny also made an appearance handing out little chocolate eggs. Xander and I grabbed a bite to eat. The store has a little cafe inside and we had sandwiches and chips.Xander opened all his eggs and found out that while all of them had candy some had quarters in them that he could put in his jar. He was nice enough to share his candy with Landon and Jadzia.Inara's nose is still suffering from her long standing cold. I need to find something to put on it because it has started to crack open and bleed. I feel pretty bad for the girl. She looks pretty cute even with her chapped nose.

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