Sunday, April 10, 2011

Country Drive

Jadzia got new pajamas yesterday. She calls them her bones pajamas and they look like she stepped into a x-ray machine. Her favorite part is the sparkly pink heart and of course that the pjs themselves are pink. We are still waiting to see if they glow in the dark. Landon believes this to be a possibility.Xander's new shirt has a little monster on it and in the monster's mouth it says "Feed Me" The shirt fits the boy perfectly. His love for food makes him a perfect feed me monster
For the afternoon we took a drive in the country. Isaac needed to get some pictures for an assignment. We went out in the country and he asked a farmer if he could take a picture of his barn. The barn was constructed in 1914 and considered a historical barn by the historical barn society. The man told Isaac people were stopping a lot to ask him to take pictures of his barn. After the barn we went on to several bridges, trains and buildings. I took a few pictures myself.Alright the verdict is in. Xander just ran down the stairs to inform that Jadzia's shirt does indeed glow in the dark. There is now mass excitement throughout the house.
Landon has told me he needs an Ipod. Yes an Ipod. He told me this after church today because apparently his friend at church had an Ipod and we are behind on the times. When did six year olds start getting Ipods? We have decided Landon will be amongst the uncool and there will be no Ipod purchases in his near future.
Here are some pictures I took while on the drive today. Enjoy the leaping squirrel. Xander told me it is the most awesome picture I have ever taken.
And here is Z with her daddy. She's definitely a Daddy's girl.

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