Saturday, April 2, 2011

Natural Living

Jadzia and I had a mommy, daughter morning. We went out to breakfast and then went to the natural living expo. The natural living expo is almost self explanatory it has to do with organic food, attachment parenting, and anything else that is considered a natural product. I found something rather interesting that I might consider in the future if we get a big freezer. There is a man who raises all his animals, kills them and everything. All the animals are pasture fed with no pesticides. He delivers the meat to your home or you can go to his farm and pick it up and it is about as organic as it comes.Jadzia's favorite part of the expo was the hula hoop contest she was the only girl and she got a princess book. Her and I looked around a bit more picking up business cards and sampling product. Jadzia enjoyed the large windows on our way out. She was a little leery at first, unsure if she would plummet to the story below. Once I convinced her the glass would protect her she thought it was pretty cool she was able to see out so far. On the way home we made a pit stop to pick up my new glasses. We had to hurry because my in-laws were going to meet us so we could go see Hop.Jadzia and I made it back in time to pack everyone up and head to the movie. Grandpa and Grandma Fullmer treated us to the movie and refreshments. The kids got their usual kid trays of popcorn, pop and candy. We came back home to clean out the garage. I have a huge cleaning schedule I have to complete before Monday since the lead inspector will be here late morning that day.Isaac and I had a little date out. We grabbed a bite to eat then we picked up Xander an E.B. stuffed animal from build a bear (he's the bunny from the movie Hop). It was from my parents so Xander would have something to take to the hospital with him on Thursday. We also got him a new pair of pajamas to wear to the hospital. Now I have to get off and let the cleaning and mass organizing begin. It truly was a blessing my in-laws came down last weekend to help clean up the porch since I had no clue the lead inspector would be coming out so soon.

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