Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Return Of Taloki

Taloki. What's there to say about good old Taloki. You can read the origins of Taloki here in my old blog. The blog I only ever made four posts in and then gave up on. If you just read "Somewhere in Taloki land" you know all about Landon's imaginary friend and all the trouble he seems to drag along with him.

Shortly after Landon turned five I read an article about children and imaginary friends. The article said for most children's imaginary friends fade shortly after their fifth birthday. The article went on to say usually the child says the friend moved away. This proved true for Landon about two months after his fifth birthday Landon stood on a chair and announced Taloki was indeed moving away. Taloki's family was taking their bus on tour.Over the next few months the havoc Taloki reeked ceased. A few months later Landon was playing a game talking to himself. "Who are you talking to?" Usually I assume he's playing an imaginary game but the way he was carrying on a fluid conversation peeked my interest. "Taloki of course!" Landon seemed annoyed I didn't realize. "I thought he went on tour?" with a sigh Landon continued "That was his dad. Taloki had to go with because his parents said he couldn't spend the night for six months." "oh ok. Is he going back?" "Yes, they have to go to Africa then Egypt." I felt the mom need to point out Egypt was in Africa but I let it go.

As the weeks and months passed Taloki came to visit randomly and each time he brought souvenirs of antics and trouble. Now we arrive at tonight with my son shooting his hot wheels gun in the air. "What are you doing?" "Taloki and I are shooting monsters ." "Is Taloki visiting?" "No! Mom he's back. His parents said he could move back now their tour is over."

Now what will this mean? I have no clue. Will Taloki's parents suddenly be called back on tour or will the crazy adventures of Landon and Taloki carry on into the far reaches of Landon's childhood?

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