Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Trials of Developement

Ronan made his very first art project today during his OT visit. He scribbled with miniaturized markers and then crinkled green tissue paper up and placed it on glue lines to bring color to a picture of a Christmas tree. The next game he didn't like as much and I think I'll caption pictures so you get the idea of what took place. The object of the game was to teach Ronan to purposely give another person an object when requested to do so. The object of example was a pink comb.

Being 18 months he doesn't find sharing to be a favorable concept. The first step was for the OT to put her hand out and point to the object then the OT's hand so Ronan would know what she wanted. He would place the comb in her hands but wouldn't let go. Next his OT would take the comb then give it back and repeat all the steps. This way Ronan would know he'd get it back if he took turns and these are the reactions that followed.The comb was promptly returned to him and the game basically ended on that note. The OT said we'd come back to this game another day.Inara has also been having her own difficult developmental trials today. She has a desperate need to crawl. She has started to do a push up and then get on her hands and knees but can't move forward instead her desperate attempts cause her to go backwards and then frustration ensues. .She tries very hard to go forward but instead finds herself stuck under the couch.Not being a quitter Inara was determined to correct the couch issue and put forth great effort to free herself.
Finally freed from the oppression of the couch she became very pleased with her efforts. Mommy lessons learned #1 Don't take a comb from Ronan and #2 By letting Inara fend for herself a little she can problem solve quite well when she puts her determined mind to work.

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