Sunday, December 12, 2010

While Bells Ring Gingerbread Boys are Made

I woke up this morning fighting a cold and sinus pressure. Church was canceled due to snow. I was able to clean the house and finish up my classes for the semester. Around mid morning I was beginning to wonder if Ronan was feeling my sinus pressure because he kept frowning and rubbing his head. When I put his hearing aides in he would jump and cling to me every time he heard a sound. I tried to get some pictures of him in his new little sweater vest but all I got were sad Ronan pictures.Around early afternoon Isaac thought we should get checked out because he thought he might have strep throat. I decided to get Ronan checked in case he had ear infection that was causing his ears to hurt with his hearing aides in. Jadzia also got checked because she has had a bad cough and since we were going in anyway I decided we should have them look at her too. Turns out strep was negative but it looks like we have sinus infections among other things. Ronan's ears were fine so if he keeps reacting negatively to sound I'll have to call his audiologist because as soon as I took his hearing aides off he started playing and was happy again.

Tonight was gingerbread Boy decorating which is a tradition I've carried on from childhood. Normally this would take place on Christmas Eve but I thought we'd make the season stretch a little more this year and do a little here and there until we reach Christmas. Even Ronan and Inara had a gingerbread boy to decorate. Inara enjoyed swooshing her hand around in the frosting the best.
Xander has started something that is about to have me eliminate all bells off the Christmas tree (that is if it wasn't so cute). He will randomly run over and repeatdly find and ring all the bells. After this goes on for quite sometime I'll ask him to stop. Finally tonight I asked him why he insisted on ringing the bells all the time to which he replied "I need to help all the angels find their wings."Tomorrow Inara will be six months old. To me this is an impossibility. Where did my newborn baby girl go? Her babyhood is seeming to fly away faster than my other kids' did. I'm excited to see how big she is now. When she was born she weighed 6lbs 1oz and by her 4 month check she way 15lbs 8oz. Any guesses on what she weighs now??


  1. Love all the pictures, except the sad Ronan ones! Glad you guys don't have strep, i have a sinus infection or somthing going on also, ugh not fun! Hope you all get well soon, as well as everyone here at my house! I'm gonna guess Inara weighs 17lbs 6oz now! Your kids are all so cute, love the cute things little kids say!

  2. Thanks! I hope all of you feel better soon too. It's that "fun" time of year where all the germs circulate. Your guess on Inara's weight is close to mine I'm guessing 17lbs 3oz. Her daddy's guess is highly inflated at 21lbs.
