Monday, December 13, 2010

To Catch a Mouse

Last night I was typing away at the computer when I heard boisterous laughter coming from the bathroom. "What is it?" I called to Isaac and through his laughter he yelled "There's a mouse in here." I entered the bathroom only to find my husband leaning over the back of the dryer. "What are you doing?" I was hesitant to learn his new scheme. "I'm going to catch the mouse and give him to the turtles." He said this as he jumped over to the washer rattling it in an attempt to scare the mouse out.

I scrunched my nose and said "Eww yuck! You're going to do what? What if it's diseased." "What do you think they eat in nature." He was continuing to hit the washer and dryer. "That's still gross I don't want to see that." "Then don't look. Go get a bucket" he said this as he starred intently into the laundry room.

Somehow I knew he was going have me help him catch this mouse. I sighed as I went and found the largest Tupperware container I had. I went back into the bathroom. He shooed me in "Quick shut the door and put the towel over the entry way. Then hold the bucket and get ready to put it over him." "You mean I have to catch him?" He heard the quiver in my voice. "Don't be a wimp." So there I stood with a large Tupperware container in hand unwillingly ready to pounce on a tiny mouse. He lifted the entire washer up and out ran this fat, little gray mouse. "EEEKKK!" No, that was not the mouse, that was me trying desperately to contain myself so I could contain the mouse in the container.

"Get him!" I wasn't quick enough as the mouse dashed under our wooden cabinet. Isaac released the washer and turned his attention to the cabinet. "Man if only I hadn't screwed the cabinet to the wall." He hit the cabinet then ran a large spoon underneath trying to chase out the mouse only to no success. "After ten minutes passed with Isaac pondering whether to rip the cabinet off the wall or get his tools the mouse popped his head out then back to the safety of the cabinet. Finally Isaac got tired and realized that having mouse for turtle dinner wasn't worth the extra effort. But one thing did occur out of the whole incident. War has officially been declared upon our household mouse population. New traps and bug bombs are the latest strategies on the agenda. I'm guessing these mice have never really met my husband or they would have gone packing ages ago.
Inara is six months old today!! She can sit alone for around 30 seconds, belly crawl forward and goes backwards when she tries to crawl on her hands and knees. She loves to smile, laugh and yell. She is dramatic and bouncing in her jumparoo is her favorite activity. She is always jabbering on about something so I can only assume as soon as she gains knowledge of how to form words she will be telling me stories on a constant basis.
The plan for today was Ronan's evaluation and the Inara's 6 month check-up. Ronan's evaluation was to gather all the information about him medically and otherwise. I had no idea how long I could actually sit and talk about Ronan and everything about him and apparently I can do so for over three hours. Three hours is how long it took for me to tell his case manager his life story and answer in detail all her questions. They are trying to get him set up on Respite and medical care among other things. My mom gets to provide respite for him which will be a big help to me.
By the time the evaluation was over it was time for me to take Inara to the doctor. Yesterday I had guessed that she would be 17lbs 3oz and I was off by an oz. She weighed 17lbs 2oz and was 26 and a half inches long.Tonight is movie night for the kids which entails kid movies and a later bedtime. I'm off to enjoy this time with the kiddos.

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