Thursday, December 16, 2010

Running for Presents

Today as most everyone knows is December 16th which means we have 9 days and counting until Christmas. I bought the first of the kid's Christmas presents. I got half the shopping done and with the exception of one gift for Landon the rest will be completed Tuesday. I will go to semi great lengths to ensure my kids get what they want for Christmas but since we put the main emphasis on remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ being born in a manger, presents aren't the greatest focus. Therefor I will try to get my kids what they want but if it doesn't happen it just doesn't. With this being said the giving and getting of presents is fun and I as any mother love to see the looks on my children's faces on Christmas morning.

I have two main rules for Christmas present buying. Rule #1. I do not leave the house on Black Friday unless a necessity arrives. For all of you who are brave enough to venture out I admire your bravery but large crowds and lines usually send me running the other way. Rule #2 I refuse to pay large marked up prices just because an item is popular.

Case in point. Lalaloopsy dolls which my daughter loves have become one of the most popular Christmas items this year and I couldn't find them anywhere. Ebay is selling them from anywhere from $50 to $100 or more. This is the only toy Jadzia asked for but I refuse to pay triple or even double the normal cost of the toy. Instead I revealed my mom insanity by calling around to twenty different stores until I found a store that had just put 3 out this morning. I then proceeded to beg for the clerk to hold a doll and was given an hour. I rushed over in plenty of time and got Jadzia two Lalaloopsy dolls. One is from her Grandma and Grandpa Spencer. My mom is a teacher so she was excited to be giving her the school doll.

The next stop was across town to pick up Xander's abominable snowman he's been wanting ever since his Grandma Fullmer gave him an abominable snowman ornament a couple of weeks back. Next was Landon's monster truck ramp and a baby run to pick up push toys for the little babies. Everyone, Inara is getting a hippopotamus for Christmas. The very last stop was a Dino quest for Xander. After Tuesday I will be completely finished and yes I know I'm cutting it close.
Tonight's job is to wrap as many presents as I can. This way I only have to wrap Tuesday's presents next week. I have a little elf helping me so it should go by pretty quick.I think We're going to have a great Christmas this year. As long as we have family close and remember why we really choose to remember Christmas it always is a great season.

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