Wednesday, December 29, 2010

That Dry Skin

Ronan still wasn't doing to well so under orders of the doctor he saw on Monday I took him to see his regular pediatrician. They ran blood work which indicated he has a virus. There is more blood work out for something but that won't come back for a few days. This is going on his fourth week continually sick so hopefully he'll find relief soon. His breathing is bothering him enough that he's having trouble sleeping at night.Since we were headed in I brought Xander along to discuss his extremely dry skin. The doctor prescribed him a cream and set him up with a Dermatologist. They are going to allergy test him since he's had chronic skin and tummy troubles. Isaac and I both had these problems when we were little so it's no surprise at least one of our kids has allergy problems. His appointment is scheduled for next Tuesday and I'm not sure if they'll test him right there or if it's just a consultation.

Now some cute pictures of Inara. Just because I needed more bath time pictures for her scrapbook. So here is before and after. I'm sure you can see a difference.I had the slightest inclination that as a mother I had an obligation to warn Jadzia that if she continued to make this face it just might get stuck this way.

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