Saturday, May 7, 2011

8 Days Apart

My nephew Caleb and Xander are 8 days apart. My sister in-law were racing there for awhile and Caleb was the winner. Xander tried to be first by a long shot when he decided he wanted to be born at only 28 weeks. The doctors foiled his plot and he was born 1 day before 39 weeks. I'll talk more about all of that on his actual birthday which is 8 days from tomorrow.
If you paid attention at the beginning you realize that means tomorrow is my nephew's birthday. Tonight we had his party. The kids had a present for him and we put it in a reusable Toy story gift bag. Toys R us has many different types. Not only are they reusable but they are cheaper than regular gift bags of the same size.
My parents had planned a shopping trip to the mall that had Build a bear in it. Xander had a coupon for build a bear. They picked him up after a meeting they had and took him on a grandparents day out. He got a carrying case for his stuffed animals. They took him to chic fila for lunch. Grandma had put his sunglasses in her purse when they went into the store. When they went back out she couldn't find them so she bought not only Xander a new pair but the other big kids as well. Xander got Spiderman, Landon got Batman and Jadzia Tinkerbell.For supper was Caleb's planned party. My sister in-law Alana made an awesome batman cake. She made cake skyscrapers and it had streets on the bottom with cars. On top of the buildings super heroes fought the villains.
When it came time to open presents my brother tricked my nephew. My nephew had been wanting an Alphie the robot toy. For two months he talked and talked about the robot toy. My brother put a matchbox car in a giant gift bag. Caleb was expecting it to be Alphie. When he opened it he was shocked to only find the tiny car. He glanced in the bag several times just to be sure Alphie wasn't going to magically appear.He had a very sweet attitude about it. I could tell he was disappointed by the look in his eyes but he told his dad he liked the car and it was what he had wanted. He went on to open his other presents. As he was trying out the Spiderman mask my parent's got him his dad brought Alphie out. Caleb turned around and his face lit up and he let out a "yeah!!" mixed with laughter. Below is his facial expression the moment he saw Alphie.Ronan decided he likes spiderman characters. He wanted really bad to play with the big boys. He followed them around and sat watching them.Inara woke up with no fever. She was a little on the fussy side for most of the day. For part of the evening her fever returned but only stayed a couple of hours and was gone again. I think she's on the mend although pretty cranky tonight. She was pretty upset her daddy wouldn't share his chips.
I'm not really sure what the face below is all about.My best guess he's being goofy one of his favorite tasks.

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