Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Trying to Find His Voice

Tuesdays as always Ronan has therapy. He gets to spend time with his three girlfriends. Ronan picked today to gain a real attitude. I'm really not sure what got into him but he decided anything his therapists wanted him to do he would do the opposite. They wanted him to walk to the ball pit and instead he suddenly decides to take off crawling in the opposite direction as fast as he can.
He even refused to show his PT how awesome he's getting at walking. He wouldn't take a single independent step for her. After his thirty consecutive steps yesterday I knew Ronan was trying to pull a fast one on his therapist. As soon as we get home guess who walked all around the house. That's right Ronan who just thirty minutes before acted like crawling was his only specialty. But what can one do. Ronan has a mind of his own and he is letting me know that more with each passing day.

Today he carried his new found attitude into interactions with his siblings. He was disgusted when I fed Inara. He seemed to think she was taking his food so every time I gave her a bite he would protest. He also let his brothers know that they could not take any toys away from him. At one point one of them grabbed an item he had because they thought he was too young to have it. They had the best of intentions but Ronan wasn't too grateful for their watchful eyes. He followed them around yelling in his babble language. I'm not sure we'd want to have it translated.I think all of this is a sign of Ronan growing. He's starting to become more aware of choices and what he wants. Now he's just trying to figure out how to communicate his desires. I think the language barrier is a frustration for him. He knows what he wants but doesn't know how to express it. I'm hoping as we attend signing class we can really give Ronan the voice he is so desperately trying to gain.

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