Monday, May 2, 2011

Dollar store books

We have a dollar store here. It is one of the few that is a true dollar store and has everything in it for a dollar. Today I found learning books for the kids. There is an atlas, picture dictionary, science, world history and a lot more. I got a total of 12 different ones to help me with home schooling. At home Isaac already started using the books. He and Landon sat for about an hour together while Isaac read and explained all the facts in the book.

I blogged about my change in hair color. Today I thought I would complete the fresh look and got a haircut. I was pleased with how my hair cut turned out and I think I might return to see this stylist again.I had my speech final tonight.I did the same thing I did with my Biology final and memorized my homemade study guide. I only missed one question and finished the class with an A. My mom and dad were sitting with the kids and Isaac came along to take some pictures. I was unaware that he took a picture of the back of my head while I was in class.

He also got some cool squirrel pictures. One I found particularly interesting was the picture of a black bird attacking the squirrel. Isaac snapped the picture at just the right moment. Isaac said that the squirrel had been happily playing in the grass when the bird decided to swoop down and attack the squirrel. I'm guessing the bird thought the squirrel was too close to its nest .I think it turned out pretty neat.

Class was out two hours early since all we had was the exam. Isaac and I decided to take a quick walk around the lake. As we were walking on the bridge. Isaac stopped a man and said "I know you from somewhere?" Isaac asked him if he attended our college. The man said no he was famous and glanced at Isaac's camera. He told Isaac to take a picture. And that's what Isaac did. He now has a photo of a random stranger.All the pictures were taken by Isaac except the Inara pictures.

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