Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's a Circus Out There.

The day started at 5:30am. I had to do some running around and Ronan had a couple of appointments. His first appointment was his annual eye check up. He needed new glasses so we ordered those. They are the hard to break ones like his old ones but they will look different. He will have the old ones as back up. I won't describe them because I'll unveil them with a picture when we get them.His eye doctor also determined that it was time for Ronan to have eye muscle surgery. He goes cross eyed and his eyes turn in opposite directions of each other or one will wander. He also has nystagmus which causes his eyes to jitter back and forth. All of these issues are increasing so he has been scheduled for July 18th to have eye muscle surgery. We are still waiting to hear if he can have it at the out patient center or if he has to have it at the hospital. Normally it is done at the out patient center but with Ronan's other medical problems they are unsure.My mom had this surgery when she was five years old. When she had it done she had to stay about a week in the hospital. Ronan's surgery will be done in 30 minutes and he should get to go home within an hour or two. It's amazing how medicine has advanced. He was also scheduled today for another esophagus dilation in August. They want to ensure his esophagus will stay dilated and he will not have another episode like he did with the bread.We went to Ronan's therapy session after the eye appointment. There was a little time in between. I drank coffee and Ronan snoozed. He was refreshed and happy for therapy. He put two signs together today "More Eat". He did this when he was around a year but hadn't for a long time. He also did his usual swinging and his PT worked on strengthening leg and abdominal muscles.
The evening meant circus time. My dad was taking the three big kids and I to the circus. They got snow cones and shared a giant bag of cotton candy. Plenty of sugar to hype them up. There was a boxing kangaroo and a dog dressed as a miniature lion. Jadzia's favorite act was the acrobats. I liked the elephants at the end. During the half time show we got to go down to center ring where they had a giant snake and lemur. The kids got their picture taken with the lemur. Landon got to hold it in his lap.
I'm sure you can guess giving cotton candy and a snow cone to a small child can create the potential for nuclear combustion. Jadzia was screeching out giggles and making animal sounds all the way home all the while kicking her legs rapidly back and forth. The boys handled the sugar overload pretty good until Xander's orneriness got the better of him. He started taunting Landon that he was going to leave him all alone. Landon broke down bawling. Xander thought it was great and kept at it which ensued more tears from Landon.
There you have it the sugar reaction of my three oldest kiddos. Jadzia gets high pitched and squirmy. Xander get more ornery (I guess that is possible) and Landon gets emotional. I brushed their teeth thoroughly, cleaned faces and hands, put pjs on and then it was bed.

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