Monday, May 23, 2011

The Day of Unexpectedly Wonderful Events

Today was supposed to be like any Monday, uneventful. Not that uneventful is bad because I prefer it to the storm of medical appointments and procedures. But today turned out to be full of very fun events all set off by spontaneity. The first happening was expected which was Ronan's therapy but what took place during the therapy left me full of pride for my baby boy.Ronan has been taking steps anywhere from 15 to 30 in a row. But he does so randomly and does not use it as a means to get anywhere in particular. Most of the time it is more of a show to insight applause from all those looking in his general direction. But today for therapy he was out to not only impress but to astonish his mama. He walked and walked and walked for his therapist. Step after step hardly stopping for the entire 45 minute session. I was so proud of him that I had to wrap him in a giant hug just as the therapist was leaving.
For the afternoon my sister in-law and I decided that the gorgeous day had to be enjoyed by us. We couldn't let the day pass without allowing it to exert some energy from our children. With this concept in mind we loaded the car and headed to the park by the lake. When we arrived we noticed they officially had the beach open and our kids pleaded to join the masses of other children splashing away in the water. Lucky for them we live five minutes from the lake and I ran home collecting clothes and towels for an impromptu beach trip. Aunt Alana waited at the playground with the kids so I could make a quick trip home and back.
Once back at the beach we got all the kiddos changed and then off to enjoy the water. The water's coolness brought relief from what was now becoming an extra warm day. The kid's splashed, raced and dug in the sand. The boys found a giant log to sit on. Jadzia and I ran together in the water until our speed propelled us into the water. We both emerged from the water in giggles. Then we did it all over again. We had an exceptionally good time. All unplanned and beautifully wonderful.
We packed up after an hour or so. The kids were already asking when we could return. I told them we would have to make a picnic day and finish it off with more beach fun. Since the lake is so close I think we might frequent it often this summer. After all who doesn't enjoy free swimming. We ended the perfect afternoon with giant Popsicles.
Upon arriving home we saw the mail had brought something fun for Xander. His Great Grandpa and Grandma Chandler had sent him a birthday card with ten dollars in it. I inquired with my mom if she wanted to pick up some respite time with Ronan and if my dad wanted to watch the other three so Isaac and I could get some more Xander birthday time in. My parents were more than happy to oblige so Xander, Isaac and I took an in the moment trip to the toy store. We had to go down every aisle. How is a kid supposed to know how to spend ten dollars if he doesn't see all the store has to offer.
One mistake was to take Isaac down the Star Wars aisle. We lost him for a bit and Xander and I moved on. When we were reunited we came across some super hero masks. The logical thing to do was for each of us to put a mask on and set my camera timer to snap a picture of us together and that's just what we did.
Xander decided on a dinosaur set but with the 20% off coupon and three dollar Toys R us birthday card he still had some money left. He decided to stretch his money and get three little items. He got a race car, silly putty and bubbles. I'm not sure how long we spent in the toy store. All I know is by the time we finally found our way home there was only enough time to give everyone baths and put them in bed.
I woke up this morning with only therapy on the agenda and instead I got a day full of fun and happiness. I have to say some of the best days in life are completely unexpected.

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