Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Penguin Trauma

Today's excitement or rather slight trauma occurred this afternoon. I went in to get the kids up from nap and as soon as I opened the door Xander started bawling hysterically and between deep sobs he gasped "Mom! Landon's head!!!" I turned the light on and am horrified to find that the entire left side of Landon's head was covered in blood. His sheets had blood on them. Thoughts started running through my mind. Did he fall off the bunk bed?
They explained that they had been playing a game and in the dark Xander was flying his toy penguin around the room. His toy penguin is plastic and has a beak that was unknowingly sharp. As Xander was flying it around the room its beak met the side of Landon's head. Isaac took the shower sprayer and rinsed down Landon's head.
All that was left was a pin size poke. All that blood for an itty bitty cut. We got Landon completely cleaned up. He wanted assured that he was not seriously injured so I took a picture and showed him. He was very relieved to see there was minor damage.And the Award for most dramatic performance goes to Ms. Inara Fullmer.
She is discovering that her and the word "NO" are not friends.Ronan has recovered from the attitude dismay he manifested yesterday. He was back to being a little sweetheart. All except in the area of accepting that his sister has the right to eat too. He thinks any and all food is the sole property of Ronan.My classes have started again. I'm finding Summer classes to be more time consuming since they are cramming everything into just a few weeks. My drama class in particular has a lot of play reading and many papers. I think I'm going to try and work ahead when I can. Tomorrow night I go to my first human Biology class.
Yeah, with my boys I'm really surprised that there are not more fiascoes like the penguin head stabbing incident. They are both all boy and sometimes they show no fear like how they try to get into their top toy drawer. Maybe we should get a step stool.

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