Thursday, May 19, 2011

Little Helper

Inara loves to help with the dishes. I wash her hands and then she hands me the clean dishes from the dish washer. Of course she can't reach the top shelf and I make her avoid the silverware for safety reason. I point to what I want and she hands it to me. She giggles the entire time as if pleased at her own wit.She is talking more. She showed off her talking skills when Ronan's therapist arrived this morning. She greeted his OT a hearty "Hi". The therapist brought a ball ramp. When you push down this button it shoots all the balls out. The object was to put all the balls into the tube and then push the red button to send the balls back out. Inara squealed as though it was the most awesome thing she'd ever seen. She quicly grasped the concept and began pushing all the balls down the tube and hitting the lever. Ronan however kicked the toy away. His only interest was the accordion tubes. He couldn't be bothered with being forced to complete tasks.

I think we might buy a ball ramp for Inara for her birthday since she loved it so much. For Ronan I need to find him some accordion tubes. They are his favorite therapy toy and they help to build his arm strength. As Ronan's therapist left Inara waved and said "Bye bye." She is going to be a little chatter box and her vocabulary is quickly growing.

Last night went ok with the oxygen. The stickers held the oxygen in place on his face but he figured out how to pull it out of his nose. Lucky for him he is a mouth breather so when he would pull it out of his nose it would point down sending oxygen into his mouth. I would adjust it back to his nose but every time I would wake up it would be out of his nose again. I guess we'll keep working on it.

After supper I went to the lake that is about five minutes from our house. I walked around and just observed the people and wildlife. I got some nice relaxation and thinking time in. The two mile walk was a nice reprieve.

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