Friday, May 27, 2011

Learning not to Hit

I had a list of things that had to be done today. They were all around the house and I got them all done. We haven't had any appointments this week excluding the usual Ronan therapies. This truly is the calm before the storm as June is plum full of appointments. All the specialist want their annual updates on Ronan. At his 2 year check-up he will have the routine tests that children with Down Syndrome get every year. This means a ton of blood work and possibly a new specialist or two. Just when I think we have all the specialists we could possibly have another is added to the mix.I have to say this is good though because it means they are taking good care of my boy. I just wish he could have more of a normal childhood. But to Ronan this is normal and he handles everything like a champ. As you've probably already concluded Inara loves to be dramatic. She is the most expressive kid I've known and you can instantly tell what she's feeling with one glance at her face. She has discovered how to hit and bite. I find it amazing how much you don't have to teach your kids. They seem to learn some things all on their own. She is learning though she will start to hit and then look at me and pull her hand back so she is starting to realize she shouldn't. Biting however seems to be random and I think teething might be the real cause. When she bites I gently touch her mouth and say "No no. Ouch." She seems to understand. Here is her shocked expression. I don't remeber what was going on here. But it was most likely that someone had said no or had taken a toy from her. Tomorrow is a big day. Xander and Ronan are having their birthday parties. We are going to the zoo to celebrate then lunch, cake and presents to follow. Both sets of Grandparents will be present. After the party the three big kids are going up to their Grandpa and Grandma Fullmer's house for four days. Maybe I can get some drama homework completed. The classwork is extremely extensive so much so I've considered dropping the class and finding something else. But I've chosen to stick it out and hopefully pass. The work itself isn't hard just extremely time consuming. I have to write a three page paper and a five page play by next Friday and that's just the start of the class.I'll make it through though, hopefully. I have the kiddos packed and off to tell bed time stories and kiss babies goodnight.

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