Saturday, May 14, 2011

Daughter Date

Yesterday I decided I needed a mother daughter day with my oldest daughter. It was a toss up between Landon and Jadzia since Xander was the last one to have a day. Landon had had a day before that so that left it Jadzia's turn. I had a bunch of coupons piling up and I knew we could do most of the day for free including a trip to build a bear. Since I belong to the build a bear club they often send me coupons for free animals and clothing.
This morning when I woke up I knew something was amiss because the kids let me sleep in until 9:30. The babies usually don't wake up too early unless the big kids wake them up so I was pretty sure something was up with the big kids. Landon and Xander both looked miserable when I found them in bed. Jadzia was playing quietly with her dolls but she was happy. I took the boys temp and it was ranging between 102-103 on both. We all piled on the hidabed and watched cartoons.I called my mom to let her know the boys were sick and to see if she still wanted to watch them while Jadzia and I went out. She said she didn't have a problem with it. Jadzia was bouncing happily through the house and acting fine with no fever. We left to the mall first.

She picked out a pink bunny and put a butterfly tutu dress on her. She named her "Princess Bunny". We made a stop for lunch in the food court. Jadzia chose Wendys and she was excited because the toy was a building set. We finished up lunch with cookies. I let her run around the mall playground for about a half an hour. On our way out she rode one of the little mall rides.The last thing we did was stop at Chuck E cheese. I had a coupon for free tokens without any purchase required. She rode some rides, played games, and won some tickets. After she used her free tokens up she played in the tubes and slides for awhile. She cashed in her tickets and we left. We were both exhausted from all the fun.

At home Xander and Landon were still feeling bad. They've been sleeping most of the day and that is what they are currently doing. The babies and Jadzia seem fine. We had planned on taking cupcakes to church tomorrow for Xander's birthday. If he's still sick I'll have to remake them next week. I went and ahead and made 2 dozen just in case this thing is over by tomorrow. I think we're going to snuggle a bit, watch a movie and then shoot for an early bed time.
I had a good time with my daughter. They grow so fast that it's nice to just slow down and give all your attention to one kid for a little while. It's nice all the clubs and coupons made today a fun affordable day for us. Next I'm taking Landon out. He's requested a trip to walk around the lake with a stop at the little icecream shop they have there. He wants to finish his day off by playing at the lake park.

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