Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Buzzed Haired Boys

Yes, I did. I buzzed the boys' hair. All three of them. Ronan needed something. His hair was becoming desperate and constantly in his eyes. I can't trim hair properly and maybe someday I will learn. But besides that he's having surgery tomorrow and I wanted it trimmed up nice. I also wanted it to grow in more even and thicker. For all of these reasons I buzzed his hair with the reminder it would grow back. Isaac loved Ronan's new hair cut. Upon seeing Ronan's cuteness the boys insisted on having their hair done. They thought they needed to all look like daddy.
Xander tried to get me to leave him with a mohawk. We did a compromise. I shaved his head until he had a mohawk then I spiked it up. I took a picture of him that way then shaved the mohawk. He seemed satisfied with that arrangement.Storms have been brewing all day. We have had nearly nonstop rain. Today we had planned on a park trip but as morning progressed it looked like that would be missed. Xander looked solemnly out the window . Every time the storm let up in the slightest he would declare he thought it was good enough to venture out.We played inside games. The boys made star ships out of legos. Xander said his was a star cruiser that could hold millions of people. Landon said his could fit only two people but it would win because it was faster.Today Ronan was yet again my expert laundry sorter. His many area of expertise as always was socks. I have found the best way to do laundry is to have a basket for each member of the family. Believe it or not this makes the laundry seem less overwhelming because the baskets are never filled to the top. Plus the seven trips up the stairs counts as exercise. I have to fit that in where I can.

Jadzia told me today that I need to buy her twenty mattresses. I looked at her strangely and she explained. She had to know if she was a real princess. She wanted me to stack the mattresses on top of each other and then put a pea underneath so she could see if she was a real princess.

Inara has a new talent. She discovered today how the tv goes off and on. Every five minutes or so she would crawl over to the tv and turn it off and on several times. She laughed the entire time she carried out her mischief.We had a chiropractor appointment for the afternoon. By this time the rain had ceased and the sun was starting to peek out. We left early to the appointment so we could swing by the park on the way. I gave the kids twenty minutes to play and run. Xander harassed a couple of birds and an ant. They got quite a bit of energy out in that short time frame.

Around supper time Jadzia was acting really tired. She laid on the living room floor and told me several times how tired she was. I surmised this was because she had no nap and played so hard at the park but it seems she has a low grade fever. Hopefully by tomorrow she'll be doing ballet twirls around the house again.

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