Thursday, May 5, 2011

Making Chicken Nuggets

I'm not sure how many remember how I talked about the documentary Food Inc a few months back. Since then we have tried to be more organic and make wiser food choices. Recently food allergies have been noted in a couple of my kids. This makes food choices even more relevant. Also awhile back I made homemade chicken nuggets. This was before the whole food Inc documentary became significant to our family.I had begun making the chicken nuggets after watching a show on how processed chicken nuggets are. I began picking up a big thing of uncooked chicken breasts. Chopping them up into near bite sized pieces. I rolled them in bread crumbs and then put a tiny bit of olive oil in the bottom of a frying pan. The kids loved them just as much as the store bought ones. I got into the habit of making a giant batch on Sunday nights and then freezing them. This gave me enough for the entire week and made it just as easy as going and grabbing the premade ones out of the freezer.

After awhile I stopped making them but I recently decided I'm going to start again. This time instead of picking up any brand of chicken from the store I went searching for the right chicken. Completely organic chicken. I also determined that we would try to have a member from each of the food groups present. Tonight was the organic, homemade chicken nuggets, whole grain bread, green beans and the kids choice of either oranges or apple sauce. The sign that the meal was successful was empty plates for all. All except Jadzia left a couple of green beans and a couple of chicken nuggets.Xander's birthday is coming up soon. We decided we would take him to see the animals in the wildlife center at our mall. He got to pet a skunk which of course had been previously deskunked. They had wolves, foxes and a baby Puma. There was also a kitten of some wild cat but I can't remember which wild cat it was. They did have a baby black bear but it had gotten grumpy and had to take a nap in the back. Xander saw a stuffed porcupine and asked him if he was ok and why he wasn't moving. I had to explain to him he was stuffed and not alive anymore.On the way out of the mall Xander and Isaac raced to the car. Xander jumped up and down when his dad proclaimed that Xander had won.

We stopped off to get icecream on the way home. Xander got his usual chocolate cone. Isaac decided we would stop one more place before home. We went to the pet store. Xander thought he was hilarious when he asked the clown fish if they told any good jokes.When we got back home Inara's fever had spiked to 104.5 and nothing I tried brought it down at all. I even checked the thermometer and it was reading normal temp on everyone else. My mom who'd been watching her and the other kids said she was lethargic all night and just wanted to sit on someone's lap. Her pediatrician wanted her seen so I took her in. They had trouble getting her temp down and had to give her special medicine. By the time we were leaving it was still 101. They sent her home with a script for fever medication. She was much happier when we were leaving. She loved the new sippy cup they gave her.

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