Thursday, May 26, 2011

Just Had to Have Eggs.

I have to leave for class in about an hour. Between now and then I have to get supper made and served. I have to get pajamas laid out and prepare my books and make sure I have all I need. I also decided to do the blog now because when I get home I need to work on drama class. Busy is good though it keeps my mind from wandering idly.
I wanted to get the cakes made today because I wanted to make sure I had time to complete both Xander's and Ronan's before Saturday. I wanted there to be plenty of time in case one of them didn't turn out for whatever reason. I had just gone shopping yesterday but had forgotten eggs. I needed nine eggs total to make both cakes. I decided to take this opportunity to give Landon some alone time. He'd been seeming to need some attention lately so I invited him on my walk to the store. On our way we snuck over to the park and I let him play a little bit before we continued on our way. He liked the walking bridge that passed over a busy street. He found a dead snake on the sidewalk and obeyed my admonishment not to touch it. The rest of the way to the store he filled me on the most likely events that lead to the snakes demise. At the store I was happy to see I had guessed accurately that the small store did contain eggs. We grabbed the eggs and I let Landon choose a treat. He picked a red lollipop. We walked back and I enjoyed Landon pointing out all his observations. Now that I had the eggs I set to work on the cakes. I baked them while I got lunch ready and they were cooling by the time lunch was through. By the time the kids were in bed for nap they were cool enough to frost and decorate. I completed Xander's first. His is a space cake and has two space aliens battling on a planet. All Xander's idea and my attempt to carry out his wishes. I wasn't sure if he'd think I'd interpreted his idea correctly but when I showed him after his nap he let out an excited gasp and started jumping up and down saying "I love it Mommy!" For Ronan I wanted to keep it simple but cute. Ronan has an intense love for socks with this in mind I decide I might try some sort of sock cake. I wanted it to be cuter than just drawing a sock with frosting. When I was at the mall I came across various sock animals. I decided on the bunny and horse to go on his cake. I was please with how it turned out. I took the figurines off until Saturday and both cakes are sittig in our porch fridge. With a busy weekend ahead I'm glad I finished both cakes. Ronan can fall asleep anywhere and his favorite position to sleep in is folded in half. I'm really not sure how comfortable it can be to sleep with your feet by your head but I guess to Ronan it is the most soothing.

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