Friday, May 6, 2011

The Persistent Fever

Inara's fever continued on today. When she woke up it was still 101 and not going down. It didn't take long for her temp to climb to 104. I alternated her meds but to no avail her temp still stayed at 104. I tried a cold compress and even stripped her down to her diaper.

Towards the afternoon she began a crying spell and cried for a half an hour straight. I took her outside and her and I rocked in the porch swing. This stopped her crying at least until we went inside. I took her to the clinic to see what they would say. They did blood work and said it appeared to be a virus. Her oxygen was also a little on the low side and her doctor said that she sounded congested.The doctor told me that if her fever is not gone by Monday that she will need seen again because it means something else is going on. I'm really hoping the fever will break soon. Her temp had dropped back down to 101 after her last motrin dose but it's back up to 104. I'm getting worried this fever has been persisting since Sunday night.

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