Saturday, May 21, 2011

Inara"s Park Visit

Thoughts of the end of the world have filled nearly everyone's heads today. Nearly half of all my Facebook friends have made a comment about the end of the world and the rapture. I've been told that the exact time the rapture and great earthquake will occur will be 6:00 pm PST some have said New Zealand time which has long passed. When I first heard of this whole thing I was flipping through the radio and came across Harold Camping himself speaking. Someone had asked him what he was going to do if everyone was still here on May 22nd.
He boldly stated "To say God is not coming back on May 21, 2011 is the same as saying Jesus didn't die on the cross. It's going to happen." I was outright appalled at his comparison. He explains away the verse that no man will know the hour. He explains this away by saying that just meant no one can know for a time and now in the last days a few spiritual eyes will be opened. His arrogance is honestly deplorable and I have every intention of carrying out all the plans I have set for tomorrow. With all that said lets move on to what we did today.The morning started off like any Saturday. The girls had a tea party and the boys rumbled and tumbled through the living room. My parents took the big kids to the lake so they could get some sunshine and exercise. I had the late morning with just the babies. Ronan carried around his favorite slipper all morning. The boy loves anything that goes on the feet.

After the kids returned I decided it was time Inara had a park visit. The last time Inara had been to the park she was too little to really enjoy it. I took just her and we went to the park by the lake. We tried the baby swings first. She was a little leery and fussed when I started pushing her. I slowed the pushing and then she was ok. I had been wondering if Inara would have the swing phobia Jadzia had until she was well past two.After the swings I let her crawl around in the grass and showed her the water. I don't think she knew what to do with so much space to crawl around in. We played awhile longer and then home for bath time. We have a big day tomorrow and of course I'll blog about all of it then but for now I got to get the kiddos to sleep so we can avoid as much crankiness as possible. Perhaps mommy should go to bed now too.

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