Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cheek Stickers

Do you remember as a child if you had a favorite doll or stuffed animal? This favored lovie went with you everywhere possible. To this day the thought of your favorite comfort item still imparts warm and fuzzy feelings. This is how I imagine it will someday be for Xander and his "little abominle". That is how he pronounces abominable. For Christmas this last year he asked me for a stuffed abominable snowman. They happened to have one at build a bear in both large size and key chain size.I got him the large one as a present and put the small one in his stocking. He loved both but he took a special liking to the tiny one. The problem with this is just that, he is tiny. Little Abominle is lost at least once a day and this makes nap times and bedtimes hard. Xander has trouble sleeping without knowing little abominle's where a bouts. Today there was much excitement and joy when Xander found little abminle because he had been gone for a particularly long stint this time. I think we may need to micro chip little abominle.
Today I had a bunch of little errands to run. Two on the list were to get things for Ronan's medical equipment. His oxygen is from one medical provider and his pulse-ox is from another group. This means I have to go to two separate locations to get supplies and refills. I needed more pulse-ox probes. When I got there they informed me that they believed we could only get one a month starting this month rather than the usual four. This was bad news. If you have ever tried to keep a pulse-ox on a wiggling toddler you'll know why. If someone out there wants to get rich invent a durable pulse-ox probe. After much calling around and a twenty minutes of starring at walkers and oxygen pumps they finally agreed I could still have my four.
The next thing I had to do was to see if I could get the cheek stickers to keep Ronan's oxygen on. This had to be done at a different medical supply across town. I was happy to discover that the cheek stickers were included in the oxygen rental package and not an additional cost. I only wish someone had informed me of this three weeks ago. But we have them now and we will make use of them for sure. These things work really well for keeping the oxygen on his face.
He can't pull the oxygen off his cheeks only out of his nose. Which is better because I don't have to battle getting it in place again. All I'll have to do is push it back in his nose. Something I've learned with using all this medical equipment and assisting devices Ronan has is if something is too difficult there is usually a simple solution all you have to do is ask because most of the time it will not be offered to you. The small plastic piece that holds his hearing aides to his glasses is another example of this. I've had to learn to be assertive in Ronan's care, a must for survival.
After those errands and a few others I went home to find Inara was standing up from the middle of the floor. She is also able to stand alone for a longer period of time. It should be interesting to see if she's walking by her birthday.I have discovered something that is useful but kind of funny. I have struggled for years to find the most effective and efficient way to get my kids to clean up their play area. I've tried punishment, reward, and some unusual tactics. I have recently discovered the most effective way involves two parts. I give them a time frame of ten minutes. If the task is not complete in ten minutes they do not get to have bed time stories. Second I say "Ready set go!" Those three words have them scrambling to get the toys in their proper places. I think it may be a manifestation of the extremely competitive Fullmer spirit. But hey if it works.

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