Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gigi's Playhouse Anniversary.

We enjoyed a wonderful Sunday morning at church. Afterward we had been invited over to some friends' house for lunch. They served BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans. The food was delicious and I finished overly full. We talked for the rest of the afternoon. I enjoyed having good conversation with other adults. My normal daily conversation usually consists of why the Bubble guppies have a goldfish for a teacher or how eating meat will make you strong just like Spiderman. After such topics I welcomed conversation on a more mature level.
We left our friends' house in enough time to get changed and go to Gigi's playhouse. Today is the one year anniversary of the playhouse being opened here. Last year we had Ronan's and Xander's birthday parties immediately following the grand opening. Ronan turns two exactly one week from today which is majorly unbelievable. I'm thinking on his birthday on this blog I'm going to release an excerpt from the book I'm writing about Ronan.

The Gigi's anniversary was fun. They had races for the kids and all the racers got to pick out of a big box of McDonalds toys. Each of the kids got two prizes. Ronan got his most beloved toy, a slinky. When I showed him the slinky he laughed hysterically and grabbed the slinky from my hand. He refused to put it down the entire night. Three items Ronan absolutely adores are socks, accordion tubes and slinkies. Those three items that will occupy him for rather long periods of time. Longer than his attention span usually allows.Gigi's had a BBQ for dinner with pulled pork, chips, pop and brownies. We sat out on blankets and the weather was perfect. Ronan made a new friend. A little girl followed him around giving him hugs. It was very cute.The boys are doing well in their Patch club. They were the only ones to get the next book in the series because they were the only ones to complete all their devotions. On top of that they were the only ones to have the pledge and club verse memorized. They got up and said both in front of everyone. I'm proud of my boys for working hard.

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