Sunday, June 5, 2011

6 years Old and Shopping at the Scooter Store.

Xander's pink eye has spread from his right eye to his left. He had a miserable night. He and I pulled the hidabed out and watched Land Before time 12. His eyes were looking better by morning but he was still saying they hurt. He's been on the antibiotics for over 24 hours which should mean he's not contagious anymore and so far no one else has gotten it. He slept for most of the afternoon and was pretty unhappy when he woke up. As soon as he ate some supper and had a cup of juice he was doing better.Landon stepped on something sharp last night. We have yet to figure out what it was. I felt all around where he was but found nothing. He told me that now he is going to need a wheel chair from the scooter store. This afternoon his small poke split open and we had a mess. We got it under control and he has a bandaide with a sock on. Bandaides on the bottom of feet just don't mix as well as 6 year olds would like them to.Jadzia is proud of her new dress from Grandma. The dress is pink and has a princess, horse drawn carriage and castle on it. The princess has blonde hair and blue eyes just like Jadzia. She told everyone today that her dress had Princess Jadzia on it. I think Jadzia is the perfect name for her seeing as it means Princess.
Ronan has a busy few weeks coming up. Tomorrow starts his yearly appointments. After he gets through the annual June appointments July will bring two surgeries for him. He will have eye muscle surgery and more esophagus surgery.

Today I went shopping all alone. I was in search of a lady bug cake for Inara. I wanted to order it for a week from tomorrow (which is her birthday). All the places I went no one was in the business of making lady bug cakes. I decided to go back to the original plan and just make her one. I wasn't sure about time so I thought I'd just order one. But after finding nothing close to a lady bug cake I'm back to coming up with my own design. Instead of ordering one I picked up all the supplies I would need. Hopefully it will turn out cute. I'm still trying to process my baby turning one a week from tomorrow.

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