Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Got To Be Going

I'm going to see how quickly I can write today's blog and still have it come off as somewhat coherent. I have to leave for class in a half an hour and am unsure I will have time later or how the internet will be at the hotel. I'm so close to a year without missing a post that I refuse to give up now.

Ronan handled breakfast ok and got to avoid the emergency endoscopy. Instead he got to go to therapy where he walked 30 feet at a time, several times in a row. He astonished his therapists. He had a really good therapy day. All the walking wore him completely out and he spent the rest of the afternoon out cold.I have everything loaded ready to go to the hotel. We will probably leave after my class gets done tonight. Ronan did cough a little during lunch so I called his GI doctor who upped his reflux medicine and is supposed to get back to me at some point with what they are going to do next.

Inara also took a leap towards walking full time today. She's been taking one or two steps here and there but today she keeps standing up and then takes off walking about ten steps. Both Inara and Ronan are going to be full time walkers in the next few weeks. For now that's all I'm going to blog about since I have to be going.

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