Friday, June 10, 2011

Princess Fashion Show

This morning the weather was better though dark clouds still loomed throughout the day. I decided to make Inara an appointment because for the last two weeks she's had awful diaper rash off and on. I've tried pretty much all the ointments and creams. You name it I tried it. The rash would let up and disappear only to return a couple of days later. I also thought since we were going in she could have her burnt finger looked at.

Turns out her rash is actually a bacterial infection and that's why it kept returning despite all the store and home remedies I'd been utilizing. She has folliculitis which sounds much more serious than it is. She is on antibiotics and a special cream. The doctor also told me the cream to get for her finger. It's specifically made for burns and should help keep infection at bay. For now we are to leave it alone until the blister pops. Once the blister pops then I'll apply the cream and bandage during the day when she can be monitored and remove it at night so she doesn't choke. I figure I'll tape a sock to her hand as an extra precaution.

I recently got the two babies new booster seats. I sold my high chair because I wanted something less bulky. I originally bought one booster seat but I always feed the babies together and which ever one wasn't in the booster chair would wander off mid meal. I decided to get a pink one for Inara and keep the red/beige one for Ronan. Here are the two babies having a snack.
Ronan liked his chair so much he refused to get out of it for awhile. He watched Jadzia's fashion show and clapped for her (more about that below). He found his sister entertaining.
Here is Inara talking to her daddy and listening to him whistle.Jadzia had fun putting on a fashion show that consisted of one outfit and the crown her Grandma gave her yesterday. She kept saying "God made me beautiful."

She is definitely a character.

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