Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fixed Hearing Aide

Ronan's hearing aide had an accident about a week and a half ago. He had thrown it down on the car floor and when I went to push the seat back I heard a weird noise. The hearing aide had gotten caught in the metal tread of the seat and it squished his right hearing aide. The top casing came off and it no longer worked. I was horrified and called his audiologist in tears. His audiologist assured me it was fixable.We joked a little that this was Ronan's ploy to dispose of his hearing aides. This is because Ronan thoroughly prefers a silent world. I still remember the moment he first got his hearing aides. He was eleven months old. I was completely caught off guard with his reaction. I'm not sure what I expected but his reaction had not even crossed my mind as a possibility.

His audiologist turned his hearing aides on for the first time. It was the first time ever he had heard noise at a normal level. Within about a half of a second he let out a sharp cry and tears started streaming. I was shocked. The audiologist wanted us to clap for him and make hearing seem like a good thing. I sat there clapping trying to sound enthusiastic while at the same time trying to hold in my own tears.

Ronan did get used to the hearing aides but if he had his choice he would not wear them. Certain things do still bother his ears but I've learned those and try to remove his hearing aides before those situations occur. The two big ones are parking garages and elevators. He can't tolerate wearing his hearing aides in those situations. He grabs his ears, lets out a scream and cries. Other than that he handles them fine.

Because of the hearing aide appointment we did not have time to swim in the morning and then I remembered I had a complex lab due for my Human Biology class. On top of that the maid was coming to clean. Landon was confused because I told him we had to clean up so the maid could come clean the room. I felt weird at the thought of a maid and I felt more like she was someone coming to visit so I straightened everything up. Besides I wanted to make her job as easy as possible. She's cleaning rooms all day and then she comes into one with five small children and I wanted to be fair to her. That may sound weird but none the less I pre-cleaned the rooms.

With all of this going on we did not go swimming and I could tell cabin fever was creeping itself in on the kids. We have to get out somehow tomorrow because otherwise I will have wall crawlers everywhere. All the adjacent rooms will be making a bee line for the front desk to inquire if they've allowed a hoard of chimpanzees to occupy our room.

Maybe we'll take a nice walk or make use of the ice cream shop across the street. One way or the other I will free my children from the room tomorrow. Overall they have been excellent troopers.

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