Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old Toys Made New

Jadzia is my little ballerina. She twirls around the house throughout most of the day supplying her own background music if need be. I always love to snap rapid pictures of her while she is doing her little dance routines. I catch some of the cutest poses. I think I might need to put her in ballet one of these days. Here are some of the poses I captured of her today.

Ronan at one point wanted to dance with her. He had been an enthusiastic audience member and gave her a lengthy applause. He decided he'd rather join in the fun than sit on the side line.

Daddy interrupted the fun and then all eyes were on him. Inara was the first to reach him and get scooped up. Ronan wasn't far off and tugged at Isaac's leg until Daddy had no choice but to pick him up.

We are continuing to pack everything and today we dug the old toys out of the basement. These toys had been long forgotten because I had had the intention of either selling or donating them. We had a huge overflow because when we lived in our Missouri house we had a playroom and had it full of toys. Here we just have the down stairs living room and it is significantly smaller. The kids didn't remember that these were toys of the past.

They thought I'd been holding out on them and had all these secret toys. I tried to be discrete but Xander caught me and ran to tell the others before I could say so much as a word. Within seconds I heard the pounding of tiny feet stampeding my direction. I let them pick out one old toy each. Xander chose a spiderman mighty mugg, Landon a monster truck and Jadzia chose a stuffed Fozzy the Bear.

You would have thought I'd gone to the store and bought them new toys. They carried them everwhere and acted like they were on cloud nine.

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