Wednesday, June 1, 2011

New Glasses

The big kids are back!! They remembered right away they had science projects collecting dust and they were desperately itching to get at them. The very first one in the fore front was baiting and setting the Venus fly traps. The boys watched from the porch for awhile before finally realizing that my prediction of a long wait was accurate. We recently checked them again and no insects had entered the jars.

We built the hand from the hand book and then read facts about the hand. I would point to a bone on the hand skeleton and they would have to point to the corresponding bone in their own hands. They guessed right most of the time. They wanted to do their fiber optics set but I told them they had to wait for their dad. So when daddy came home he sat down to take a look at the set. We needed a 9 volt battery so we had to wait on completing the project. We have one now and we just have to wait for Daddy to return home. Inara watched her brothers and sister and figured out how her toy whistle works. She actually made it whistle. Her and Jadzia were quite the duet. Jadzia took a brief break from loving the color pink and had an entire two hours where purple was her favorite color. To celebrate she put on her purple tutu outfit and played with only purple toys like her purple streamer and hula hoop. After the two hours passed pink once again reigned the most favorable in Jadzia's mind.

I had some errands to run. I had to pick up Ronan's glasses, sign a release so they could have his records for surgery, go to the store and the chiropractor. Jadzia and I went with my sister in-law since she had to go to the store as well. We picked up Ronan's glasses and while we were there I decided other than Inara Jadzia was the only kid not to have an eye appointment and I set one up for her. I'm sure her vision is fine so it'll just be a check-up. We went to the store to pick up everything we needed. As a treat for Jadzia I let her pick out a cookie and juice box. The last stop was the chiropractor . Jadzia and I got adjusted. Jadzia loves being adjusted on the zebra couch thing. I got home to find a phone message saying Ronan's level of care had been decided. His level of care determines how much help he gets each month for various programs. There are three levels. Level one is the least medical problems, level 2 is moderate medical problems, and 3 is most severe medical problems. Ronan scored level 2. I was happy because I was expecting him to be 1 or 2 and since he scored 2 he gets more services.

Now to see his glasses are you ready.

Ok there isn't much of a difference other than the shape. They were supposed to be the same blue as his hearing aides but I think they checked dark blue instead of medium blue. There is a color difference from his old ones but I couldn't tell until I held them next to his old ones. The old ones are slate and the new ones are dark blue. I think he looks very distinguished. We are ignoring Isaac's nerd comments.

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