Thursday, June 9, 2011

Passing Time on a Rainy Day

Today brought hail, rain and thunder. All of this started pretty early and the dark clouds caused the kids to miss the memo that it was morning and they slept in until 10:00. Thankfully there were no appointments because I usually rely on them for my 7:00 am alarm clock. I do set a real alarm clock for the important things or things earlier than 7:00 am. It was nice to sleep in and I really needed it after a late study night.
Since they slept so late we had brunch around 10:30. I made waffles and scrambled eggs. As I was bringing in the plates of food and drink Landon said "Man, this is good service." It's nice to see he noticed.Today the before mentioned weather kept us cooped up and the kids made up random games. They had the pillow slide, Inara stair races, and the circus demonstration. Jadzia was an acrobat and the boys were clowns. Jadzia was pretty frustrated at the fact I wouldn't give her a boost to swing from the ceiling fan.
Xander was complaining about neck pain and I had no desire to have his neck stuck sideways again. I took him right to the chiropractor. The chiropractor said his neck was starting to feel stuck again. I took Inara along too because it had been a long time since she had had an adjustment.For supper I made pizza. I set Xander's and Landon's out. I went back for Jadzia's and Landon for some reason set his just out of the oven pizza on his chair. I had told all of them not to touch it yet because they were extremely hot. I'm really not sure why he thought it would cool faster on the chair than the table. But as soon as he put it down Inara grabbed for it and put her hand right in the extremely hot sauce and cheese. She let out a scream and began wailing. I ran back in carrying Jadzia's pizza. The boys filled me in on what happened.I scooped Inara up and ran her hand under cold water. Now she has a jelly bean sized blister on her right index finger. I called her pediatrician because I had no clue what to put on it since she sticks her fingers in her mouth. Her doctor said to just leave it be for now, keep it clean and watch it close for infection. She seems to be using it just fine.
I got some cute pictures of Isaac and Inara today. Both of our girls love their daddy.

Inara fell apart when Daddy had to leave.
But then she was happy when he returned and shared his hat with her.

The day is ending as it began with pouring ran, hail and thunder. Hopefully tomorrow will be a sunnier day. I really hope we don't have a repeat of the 08 floods. Those occurred around this time of year and no one in our area could get anywhere. Businesses and houses flooded in the hundreds. We had lucked out because our house is high up but I still have no desire for a major flood to hit our area again. Inara seemed concerned about the rain or maybe it was more intrigue but she spent a good portion of her morning watching the rainfall and pointing out the window.

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