Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tomorrow a Toddler

This is blog post # 301 which means we have 64 left. I can't believe this year has gone as quickly as it has and that I have never missed a day posting a blog. I think it will be a good memory book for the kids to look back on and have an entire year of their lives documented. I may or may not continue when the year is up. I haven't decided at this point. I think I may fall somewhere in the middle of just posting when I feel like it.Today was a good morning at church. Afterwards I went to get the ingredients for making my own laundry detergent. I was pleased to spend around $4.00 for the ingredients and after making the batch it looks like the same amount I get at Sams club for around $30. I'm going to do a test run tomorrow to see how I like it.

Isaac and I decided we were going to buy a second vehicle. One that gets better gas mileage than the SUV that he can use for school and work. We traveled about an hour away to look at a convertible Isaac had been eying. After thoroughly looking it over Isaac decided he did want to buy it.After the car buying I had to make a last minute store run in preparation for Inara's big day tomorrow. I got the last few items to make her cake. I have the cakes made and decorated. A lady bug large cake and tiny ladybug cupcakes.
I can't believe tomorrow my baby will be considered a toddler. This year has flown by and it seems each year speeds up. I did a little photo shoot of her last official baby photos.

I even captured a baby sneeze.
"Goodnight, everyone. Tomorrow I turn one!"

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