Friday, June 3, 2011

Welcome To the Family Princess Lamb Face

Xander woke up with the same insistence as yesterday. Today was Bunny Rabbit's birthday. I reiterated to Xander that Bunny Rabbit had a birthday in March and we celebrated then. He told me that Bunny Rabbit promised to not have another Birthday until next year if we would just celebrate one more time. I foresaw this occurring when I made a late night trip to the grocery store last night to get the weekly groceries. I got the smallest cupcakes I could find and brought them home. Xander was very excited to see that I had already responded to his request.We let Xander blow Bunny Rabbit's candle out. After all Bunny Rabbit is invisible and incapable of such a feat. Suddenly it was Taloki's birthday as well (Landon's imaginary friend) what an astonishing coincidence so we had to have a candle and cupcake for Taloki. Yet another surprise a new imaginary friend has joined the Fullmer family ranks. Princess Lamb Face is officially Jadzia's imaginary friend. According to Jadzia she was born today but it is not her birthday. Princess Lamb Face is ...well a lamb that wears a pink princess dress with a pink cone princess hat.For the afternoon my mom and I had a shopping day and Inara tagged along. She caught smiles everywhere we went because every person we passed she greeted them with an enthusiastic "Hi!!!". I also found it funny about people's perspective on her size. The first lady asked how old Inara was and when I told her she said "Wow she's big." The very next lady asked how old Inara was and when I told her she said "Wow she's so tiny." I personally think she's just right.Inara humored me and was a adorable hat model. I couldn't resist because as we passed the baby section in Target there were around 20 different types of baby girl hats. Also this was her very first time sitting in a shopping cart. Before she'd always been in her carrier.
Earlier today about the time we were celebrating Happy Imaginary Friend Day I noticed Xander's right eye had a pink color to it. I asked if he'd scratched or poked it and he told me he hadn't but it was sore. By the time he got up from nap It was swollen and yucky. Pink eye. I took him to the doctor. Sure enough Bacterial pink eye. She gave him some ointment and told me if it was not better in two days to bring him back because they would need to wash it out.While we were waiting for his medicine he grew bored and hungry. I told him he could pick out a snack. He picked cookies and chocolate milk. I told him he could only have a few cookies and then save the rest. I think after eating on the car ride home he had saved around five out of the entire bag. That's what I get for not being specific.

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