Sunday, June 26, 2011

Moving with Baby Tummy Troubles

Inara and Ronan chose today to have tummy troubles. We stayed home from church and lets just say we went through a lot of diapers. We got a lot of the big things loaded and are waiting for the third storage pod that will be here tomorrow morning. I still have a lot of clothes to put in bags. I at least have everything we are taking packed and set aside.

Landon went with his Grandpa and Grandma Fullmer back to their house until Wednesday morning. They are going to drop him off at the hotel. I've been intertwining school assignments with packing. When I need a break from one I switch back to the other. I'm finding moving with five kids and full time summer school is rather interesting and calls me to keep my mind focused. This doesn't always happen and sometimes leaves me frantically searching to make sure something vital hasn't been packed away.

I have a list of all of Ronan's medications and machines to make sure we have his daily needs as well as his emergency needs planned for. It's amazing how much is needed for a three week stay with five kids. I'm a little pressed for time tonight so I think I will just post some pictures and maybe talk a little about what it happening in them.

Here are all five of the kids watching a movie on the computer. Daddy had packed the Entertainment center with the tv and they wanted to watch something wile we moved everything. Even the babies enjoyed the show.As I talked about in yesterday's blog post the big kids are sleeping in the living room on their mattresses. I snapped a picture of them while they slept last night.Here are Isaac and Nikko taking a pizza break from moving all the heavy stuff.

Here are all the rest of the men that helped us. If you look closely you can see Ronan being the center of attention.

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