Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Responsible at Six

I had no appointments scheduled for today and I wanted to get the kids out a little bit. The weather was roasting hot and for this reason I wanted an inside activity. We went out for lunch and then we stopped for icecream to cool off. The kids picked vanilla ice cream cones and I got a sundae. I decided on the way home we would stop by the dollar store to pick up sand toys.
Last time we went to the beach the kids wanted to build a sand castle. We made a good attempt but it just looked like crumbling sand walls. I figured we'd get the proper sand castle making tools to use at a later date. I also allowed the kids to pick out one trinket for themselves.We went back home to get the babies down for a nap. I noticed a message on the voicemail from my sister in-law. She was letting me know that the libraries had started their Summer reading program. If your child reads 5 hours they get a flashlight, 10 hours they get a book and 15 hours a t-shirt. All three of my kids wanted the bottom prize of a flashlight. They have light up animal toys for night so I'm not sure there is a need for flashlights.
I took the three big kids with me to sign them up. Landon was also extremely excited because he was now eligible to have his very own library card. I helped him fill out the paperwork and he signed his name to his card. I let the kids choose some books. Landon put just his books on his card. He is now telling everyone he is responsible and has to take good care of his card and library books.When we got home the kids wanted to get right to work filling in their reading chart. We read for around an hour and they got four check marks already. If we can read an hour a day we'll be at t-shirt level in two weeks. We also need to make trips to all the libraries in the area because there is a stamp scavenger hunt. If you make it to all the listed libraries and get your paper stamped you get a special prize.
Inara is so close to walking. She is cautious but she seems to have good balance. When she has a hold of my hands her walking is very stable. Here is Inara becoming computer savvy. She must watch me too much because she knows how to move and click the mouse.
This is what Inara thinks about nap time.No, much to Xander's dismay he did not get to drink that entire pop.

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