Friday, June 24, 2011

The Gift of Gab

Inara must have kissed the Blarney stone because she has been endowed with the gift of gab. Her vocabulary consists of about 20 words with the latest two being "Up" and "happy". She also loves to talk on the phone. I recently bought her her own little play flip phone. She'll open it, put it to her ear and say "hi" , "Hello" and "Bye" over and over in various orders. Her prize is the real phone. Even though her toy phone beeps and talks and even lights up she will drop whatever she is doing if she spots an opportunity to reach the real phone. The Inara teenage years should be interesting.I also took her outside to add to the fifty thousand other photos I have of her. I love her facial expressions. Maybe she'll be an actress. With her speaking abilities and facial expressions she might have been meant for the stage. Here are a few that I thought were pretty good.
We went to Ronan's nutrition appointment. Inara thought the waiting area was pretty boring so she fell asleep on Daddy. His tummy made a great pillow.

The nutritionist gave us some food suggestions. We are going to be buying Ronan a food processor this weekend to help him have more of a variety of foods. He was slightly anemic even though he's on pediasure and a supplement so I'm not sure if that is significant or not. She did seem too concerned just told me to make sure he's getting all his pediasure.Isaac packed up the turtles. We can't take them to the hotel so he took them to the reptile rescue. Xander took it especially hard and was the only one to cry. We got one last picture with the turtles before daddy drove them away. Daddy himself had to hold back the tears when he handed them over.The boys did some more lego building. They worked together on a project and created a large lego circus train to put their small stuffed animals in. Ronan's birthday dinosaur was the engineer. Landon made a theater stage out of legos and put on a show for me. His speed racer car was the star.

Tomorrow is extreme packing day. I already had the kids pack the toys they wanted. They were each given a bag and could take whatever they wanted but it had to fit in the bag. I let the big kids pack Inara's and Ronan's it will be interesting to see if they actually contain any of Inara's or Ronan's toys.
Lastly I had to share these sweet sister pictures. Jadzia adores her baby sister. She follows her around wanting to include her in games. Jadzia told me today Inara is her favorite girl. Jadzia loves to squeeze Inara tight and give her kisses. Inara is not always appreciative of squishy hugs..

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