Saturday, June 18, 2011

Stacking Boxes

I decided to try and see if Inara's hair was thick/long enough for pony tails. I was excited that I got two small ones on the top of her head. She reminds me of the little girl "Boo" on Monsters' Inc. I could envision in about six months when her hair is thicker that she will look pretty identical to Boo.Landon put a winter hat and jacket on today and was walking around the house with them on. I inquired as to why he was dressed for January in June. He told me that since he had a cold he was attempting to warm it away. He has had a slight cold and every day he has had it he tells me "Mom, this cold is even worse than I imagined." Let's just say Landon thrives on drama.We began the packing process today. Our out of the house date has been moved from the 26th to the 28th. We have been collecting boxes and my mom was able to get a bunch from her work. The kids stacked all the boxes today into various formations and made a large tower. Xander made Jadzia and Landon upset when he suddenly decided to plow it to the ground.Xander told me he is going to be a builder like his dad when he grows up. He is always practicing by building elaborate buildings out of legos. My mom told him today about a company named Xander and Company. He thought that was pretty exciting and said he would name his company that someday. I told him he needed to go pick up his toys. A few minutes later I looked over and he was still sitting there. I said "Xander, didn't I tell you to pick up your toys. He said " Xander and Company are a business. Companies can do what they want." I shot him the Mom look and said "The company can do what they want but the Xander has to listen to Mommy."

He did put his company skills to work today and built a pretty neat lego building and it even had a window that he could send lego guys to the inside. Ronan sat beside him and "helped". Xander told me Ronan is his little assistant. He said someday when he opens Xander and Company Ronan will be his right hand man.

Ronan's assistant career was short lived today when he decided demolition was a better course of action than building. Xander told Ronan "Ronan, we here at Xander and company do not tolerate the destruction of company property. You're fired until you can act better." He's a little too serious to be five.

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