Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Purple Princess Twins

I promised Jadzia she could wear her purple, puffy dress today. She looked like a little princess and of course acted like one. She walked around as though swift movement would break rare china that is until she got outside. She then twirled and twirled. The hand posing is completely Jadzia's idea. She is naturally photogenic. I never have to tell her how to pose.
Inara had a pretty,purple dress today too. Jadzia called herself and Inara the Purple Princess Twins. No, their dresses don't resemble each other but both contained purple making them eligible to be twins

I took some sister pictures. They are becoming good friends.

I'm not sure what they thought was funny about me taking their picture but every time I would snap a picture of them they would giggle.
I'm sure in the future they will share many secrets and giggles.

Xander got a haircut. His hair was starting to get out of control and he always looks good trimmed up. Here's his before and after.
Landon was happy today because yesterday his Grandma brought him new shoes. He has been wanting sketchers hot lights shoes forever. I've never heard of them befre but apparently they are the coolest shoes ever made. This pair was a hand me down and the lights don't work. Landon said it was ok because just wearing the brand was an honor.No it's not winter in July. Jadzia got a strawberry shortcake vest and insisted it needed to be tried on for the afternoon.

Tomorrow starts another busy week of appointments. We have something every day but Friday. Thursday Ronan has more esophagus surgery and I'm praying for no ruptured esophagus. Last time they came pretty close. You can only stretch a balloon so far and so many times before it pops.
You'll have to excuse Xander's sad face, we had a slight strawberry jelly fiasco. Running out of jelly on PB&J night is just wrong.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ronan Says

Today I sorted clothes for a good portion of the day. I cycled out old ones and put away all the ones that were stored and packed during the renovation. My mom was also working at a free clothing event and brought me two large bags of clothes for all the kids. The kids will be well clothed for awhile.Inara is losing her voice. This started a couple of days ago and she sounded slightly hoarse. Today when she cries her voice is just above a raspy whisper. I feel bad for her every time she talks.Ronan has found a new lovie. He loves the stuffed dog his Dad had when he was little. The dog's name is "Spot" and it was the one stuffed animal Isaac saved from his childhood. Lately Ronan has been carrying Spot around everywhere.

I've posted similar pictures of my kids making a box train. They all love it. The babies climb into the boxes all by themselves and they entertain themselves for a long time. This was a helpful activity on a busy day of organizing. I wish I was caught up unpacking by now but with finals this week and next week it has been going a lot slower than I would have liked.Jadzia got a new princess chair today. The boys are going to be getting chairs as soon as we find the ones they want. The chair folds up making it really compact and I think we can use it to go to parades and other events. Ronan had to join her when she was trying it out.

He was being silly. He would pucker his lips at Jadzia and then laugh and clap. He thought he was pretty funny and so did Jadzia. I think her encouraging laughter prolonged his kissing act. When Jadzia started puckering back to him Ronan would laugh hysterically. He loves when people mimic what he does.

Sometimes he likes to play Ronan says. He will move his hands or dance a certain way then look at us to do the same when we copy him he gets a huge grin, claps and then does a different movement. The boy loves being in control.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Caught Fly

After running around all day yesterday it was nice that today was an easy day. We really didn't do much. I'm wrapping up my online classes and still trying to organize the house. I got some clothes sorted but I have a ways to go. I need to get things together for a garage sale. I already told the kids if they had toys they wanted to sell they could keep the money from them.We have one rule since the point is to dwindle the toy pile they can't spend it on more toys. Instead I suggested they either save it for awhile, donate it or they can use it to do activities with Mommy and Daddy. They like this idea and are trying to think of things they can do.

Landon caught a fly today. He caught it with a tiny kaleidoscope and then he put it in his electronic Venus fly trap. He carried it around all afternoon and talked about how he was going to find the fly a brother to keep him company. After his nap Landon decided he should free the fly outside.

At just 13 months Inara is telling me when she is poopy. She points at her diaper and says "Poopy" and she is right every time. She hates having a dirty diaper so I thought we would get the potty chair out and just see if she wants to use it. I am by no means going to push her at this point, I just thought I might give her the option since she is starting to become aware.

Don't tell Jadzia and Xander but I captured them hugging. Out of all the kiddos these two push each others' buttons the most but as this picture proves the really do love each other.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

From Activity to Activity

Today was a day of non stop activities. After one thing was over it was time to start the next thing and there was no stopping until the finishing of my Human Biology exam tonight. We woke up at a normal time, got everyone dressed and fed. The first event was lead testing. The program we used for the lead renovation required that the kids be lead tested again at the end of the renovation. We had already gotten the babies tested on Monday and Landon lucked out since he was six he didn't need tested.Jadzia and Xander weren't thrilled with the idea of getting their fingers poked but after it was over the lab tech gave them coloring books and crayons. They were further rewarded by getting to get their summer reading prizes from the library. Landon had gotten his before he had left for my in-laws' last week. The deadline to collect prizes is Saturday so we needed to get it done. They got the same prizes as Landon: a book, t-shirt and envelope of coupons. The coupons include a zoo ticket, free small pizza and free mall pretzel.

Jadzia got a strawberry mouse book that was entirely written in Spanish. She is lucky she has Grandparents who can interrupt it for her.

Ronan's OT arrived ten minutes after we arrived home. The session lasted about an hour and I had the big kids eating lunch while the session was going on. Fifteen minutes after the therapist left Jadzia and I headed out the door to her first eye check-up. She did a really good job and followed the ophthalmologist's directions precisely. He said her eyes were perfect and they finished the visit off with stickers as a reward.Jadzia and I went grocery shopping where she picked out some strawberry milk for herself. She also had to try all the hats in the girl section on. The store was giving out chocolate pie samples. After trying the pie we had to buy some milk to wash it down with. I can see why their sample stand was in such close proximity to the milk case.I ran by the pharmacy to pick up Ronan's meds which they still did not have done even though I had called them in three hours ago and told the lady on the phone I'd be picking them up in two hours. They asked me if I could wait a half an hour so they could get them ready. I couldn't because we barely had time to make it home to make dinner so I could get to my Biology final in time.

I had to leave the meds and scurry home. I got dinner made and just as predicted after everyone was fed and changed it was time to leave. I had incorporated studying throughout the day. In the waiting rooms, in the pharmacy line, and the few minutes between activities. I felt I was ready but I left ten minutes early to give myself more study time in silence. I finished my final within 20 minutes and my teacher graded it on the spot. I nervously sat waiting. He showed me my exam grade as well as my total grade for the entire class. I was happy that I ended my Human Biology class with a 101%. I'm still waiting for my two online classes grades. Upon completion I should receive my associates. I start classes again on August 24th. Propelling ever forward to getting my ultrasound technician degree.