Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lazy Picture Day

Jadzia was back to herself today and you would never have guessed she wasn't feeling well yesterday. We still didn't do too much. I got caught up on some school assignments while the kids played with legos.Inara played with her cell phone for most of the morning. She carried it around and would talk into it every once in awhile. I think I can safely say it is her favorite toy. At one point she picked up Landon's toy hamster and pretended it was a phone too. She jabbered "hello, bye" over and over with the hamster up to her ear. She knew she was silly because when she caught me looking at her she burst into giggles.Since there wasn't much on the agenda today I decided we'd take some pictures of all the kids together. The kids are so used to this now that they suggest poses and arrange themselves accordingly. Landon's favorite is the train pose. The babies' didn't seem to favor Landon's choice and they kept crawling off right as I snapped the picture. I finally just got Landon, Xander and Jadzia in the photo.

I did snap a few more pictures: the usual couch pose, laying on the floor and then a disorganized one of them just sitting on the floor.Tonight I went to help Isacc with an event he was managing. He put me in charge of taking all the pictures and for the first time ever I got my hands on his super nice camera. At first he put it all on automatic thinking it would be the best for me. I took about three pictures on automatic before I switched it to manual. I can't operate a camera properly on automatic because I need more control over the pictures I'm taking.

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