Saturday, July 16, 2011


I have discrovered over the years that when a baby is tired they will fall asleep wherever they are. Today Ronan pushed the chair cushion up crawled up on the chair and fell asleep. Inara also fell aseep in an odd location. She was getting off the couch and fell asleep as she was getting off. Her feet were dangling off the side of the couch as she rested her head on the cushion.I decided we would get some fresh air today. I loaded Ronan in the stroller and Landon was a big helper and pushed Ronan. I carried Inara and we made it outside in one piece. The kids ran around and I tried to take pictures. My camera lens fogged over from the heat and humidity. The photos were all clouded over.

We had big plans for the evening. Today was a sweet corn event right on the block our church is at. Our church was putting on a carnival or as they called it "Cornival". They had a booth set up where kids could make wordless bracelets and listen to the gospel message. If they did this they got a bag with ten tickets to spend on the games. Next they could pick a sucker and on the bottom of the sucker it was colored. If the kids could tell what the color meant on the wordless braclet they could keep the sucker. Xander remembered all of colors, Landon was able to tell what the color on his sucker meant and Jadzia had to repeat after me.

After the sucker booth they got animal balloons. Landon got a red snake (I know a very elaborate choice). Jadzia got a pink elephant and Xander got a green turtle he named "Little one".

They played the games: duck pond, car races, ring and bean bag tosses, basket ball, golf and several more. For trying the game they got a silver coin and for doing really well they got gold ones. At the end they traded them in, small prizes for silver and big prizes for gold. Each of the kids came away with a bunch of prizes and were very happy.
The weather was super hot and humid and the kids saw others carrying around snow cones. I told them we would take their prizes back to the car and then go to the other side of the events to find the snow cones. As we got to the car I noticed Landon's bag was missing and he realized he left it at the prize table. In a panic he started to run back and crashed into the side walk. He was ok except for his elbow that was bleeding and very bruised. We took him in the church and got him cleaned up. He found his prize bag and we went over to get the snow cones.

It was so hot that I had get one too. Next to the snow cone booth was free face painting. Xander got a spiderman face, Jadzia a butterfly on the cheek and Landon's was the strangest. He asked for an alien so the boy painted his forehead green and drew an eye in the middle so that he could look like an alien. Landon thought it was the coolest thing ever.

We met up with my brother and his family and we all went back to the hotel to swim. Normally we have the pool to ourselves but it is the weekend and was a very hot day. The pool was crowded but we still had a good time. My mom had been watching the babies and she mentioned to me Ronan had broken out with hives. I looked him over and sure enough on his tummy and face he had hives.I was thinking he was reacting to strawberries because he's never had strawberries and I had my mom give him a strawberry applesauce for the first time tonight. But when I looked at the ingredients there was absolutely no strawberries not even any strawberry flavoring. Now I'm not sure what else it could be but either way I think we'll avoid that apple sauce in the future.

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