Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Glasses for Healing Eyes

I have been spoiled by the grab and go breakfast and I think that may be the thing I miss the most about the hotel. Well that and the maid. I don't think our maid ever takes a day off because we have the same one seven days a week. I see her here all day and I wonder if she ever has a break. I appreciate the work she does. Back to the Grab and go breakfast, this proved helpful today as I was jetting out the door 20 minutes behind. I had fifteen minutes to get to Ronan's eye doctor.This is because I over slept (something I occasionally do). We made it to the eye doctor five minutes late but the receptionist still greeted us with a smile and said nothing about our indiscretion. One of my pet peeves is being late but this is something that does occur once in awhile with five small children. Someone has that explosive diaper as you make your way out the door or you find three left shoes for four kids. I still don't like it and no matter how far I plan a head and what I set out unpredictability sometimes alters the schedule.

Ronan had a rough night and I was up until around 2:00 am with him because he was very restless. About 1:00 am we played a game of patty cake and sang "Twinkle Twinkle little star" (his favorites) and this cheered him up a little. He would randomly cry and cough through the night but he finally did drift off to sleep. I was glad we were having a doctor follow-up so I could make sure I was managing his pain the best possible way. His eye doctor assured me everything looked great and he just wanted to see Ronan because of the breathing trouble that had occurred.

While we were there we picked up Ronan's new glasses. They are the same design as his old ones but are bright blue. They fit much better than the rectangle ones he had a few weeks back. For some reason they would not stay on his nose. He was struggling keeping his glasses on today and I didn't push it because his eye area is pretty bruised. I think he needs to have some time glasses free for a couple of days just for comfort sake. He squinted his eyes and frowned for the majority of the day. Hopefully tomorrow he will start to feel better again. This has been his roughest surgery to date.Inara had a new accomplishment this week. She can drink from a straw. She may have been able to do this before now but I never tried it. She was successful on her first try which leads me to believe the ability has probably been there for awhile.

Jadzia got a little picture frame at the cornival this weekend and it came with markers. She kept framing her face with it. She was very proud of it and wants me to put a picture of her in it and hang it on the wall. I guess the face framing was a demonstration of what she wants me to do with it.

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