Friday, July 22, 2011

Moving Back In

Today was intense. I’m very glad my in-laws to took the big guys because they would have been incredibly bored and into everything. Instead they got to be at Grandma’s and got to take a special trip to the library. Landon taught Xander how to play a new game and Jadzia studied the plethora of library books they checked out.

We checked out of the hotel four minutes before check out time. That is how close we cut it. I packed as I chased babies around the hotel room. Inara is getting too smart. She was playing with an empty apple juice bottle. I took it away from her and threw it away in the other room. She did not see me throw it away but as soon as she was able to get out of the room she mad a mad dash for the trash bag. She tried to reach right for the apple juice bottle. Somehow she had realized exactly where I put the apple juice bottle.

With two very full vehicles we made our way home. The unpacking has been grueling and I have quite a ways to go. I got most of the kitchen done and that’s pretty much it. I had to stop this evening because I had to attend my second and final play for drama class. I attended a student play performed by students from the college I’m attending. To say the play was exceptionally weird is an understatement.

The only thing I gathered from the play was that all the members in the cast were out of their minds. I am still confused about the plot and am unsure how to put together a play critique about what the director wished us as the audience to understand. Isaac went with me and he didn’t get it either. Usually he can grasp hidden meanings and see things others don’t. The fact he was confused left me with the conclusion that perhaps it had no meaning other than chaos. In any case I’m glad admission was only $1.

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