Friday, July 8, 2011

2:00 am Stomach Bug

2:00 am Jadzia was struck with some sort of stomach virus. I had to scramble to get spare sheets. Jadzia and I cuddled in front of the bathroom for awhile until I was sure she could go back to bed. I left a towel directly next to her and the trash can on the floor. Her temp was 102 and she was complaining that her tummy hurt in the middle. I laid next to her and rubbed her back. Finally she drifted off to sleep.She woke up this morning still saying her tummy hurt in the middle. She's nibbled on food all day but has not really eaten anything and the couch has been her constant companion. Fortunately she hasn't needed an sudden bathroom runs and looks to be improving. I think she'll be fine tomorrow.
Since Jadzia was feeling yucky we stayed in all day. We played games and told stories. Landon was attacked by mosquitoes again last night. He has another large welt on his forehead. He seems to react to mosquitoes the same away I did when I was a kid.

Inara has started saying something strange when she gets upset. She yells very clearly "Apple!". I'm not sure if she's been paying close attention to Landon, who has a long standing apple phobia. Whatever the reason it makes me laugh to hear her yell out "Apple!" over and over again. I really need to tape it so everyone can hear her.
Her vocabulary is really expanding and I think her curiosity is causing it to grow more rapidly. She is constantly holding things up for me to see and asking "That?". I will then tell her what it is and she will move on to the next object.

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