Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sign language Class

Today was the first sign language class at Gigi's playhouse. The signing class will take place over a four month period for one hour a week. Today's lesson was the alphabet. I had learned how to sign the alphabet in elementary school and this session was mainly a refresher for me. Isaac went with me and we took both babies. I think it's a good time for Inara to learn sign language along with Ronan.Landon knows more sign language than any of us and I think I might take him with us next time so he can expand his sign vocabulary. He picks everything up so quickly and after watching a signing video one time he knew most of the signs on it. Ronan is picking up more signs too. His new favorite is "play". He will sign "Play" alot but I believe he truly understands the meaning because when I sign it to him he gets really excited and claps his hands.Inara is a talker and she mainly said the words verbally. She did attempt to sign. She moved her fingers as though she was trying to mimic the signs people were making. Something we learned was that you should give each member of your family a unique sign name. Your sign name usually consists of signing the first letter of your name followed by some other sign that you choose. For instance the teacher's son is named Joshua. She signs J and then puts her hand to her heart and that is how he knows his name. I haven't quite worked out Ronan's sign name yet.

This evening we went swimming for the first time in quite a few days. Inara is becoming a better swimmer. She loves to kick her legs and her new thing tonight was that she liked to float on her back.

Growing up my brother and I used to collect hotel brochures. Our family traveled a lot in the summer because my parents raised money for their missions work. We stayed at a lot of hotels and we would always take the brochures in the front lobby of hotels (the ones that show all the area attractions.) Today the boys brought this memory back when they asked if they could take hotel brochures. I told them they could each choose one. The boys each chose a zoo brochure with a dinosaur on it.

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