Thursday, July 21, 2011

Down Town Fun

It had been awhile since Landon and I did something just the two of us so I decided today would be our day. They were giving away ice cream at the down town public library and I am not one to turn down free ice cream. I decided this would be our destination. On top of that Landon had completed his summer reading chart and needed to pick up all of his prizes.

He ended up getting more prizes than I imagined. He got a flashlight, t-shirt, book, and coupons for a free pizza, mall pretzel and free zoo admission. We stood in line for ice cream and Landon spun a prize wheel. He won $500 off of a new heating and cooling system (something we will not use). We finally made it to the ice cream and Landon was excited to see it was ice cream sandwhiches.

As we were eating our ice cream a lady announced there would be free lunch in about 45 minutes. Landon got very excited and wanted to stay. I had errands I had to run and I told him we would come back after I did my running around and get lunch.

We stopped to pick up Ronan's socks for his braces and then we went to the children's hospital to pick Ronan up a new breathing mask and tubing. While we were at the children's hospital Landon wanted to make a wish by putting a coin in the wishing well.The free lunch was fun and right in front of the bench where we ate our lunch was little ground pools for kids to play in. Landon was only supposed to get his feet wet and splash a little but he sat down and laughed excessively. His joy left me unable to chide him and instead I smiled and watched him be a little boy.

This evening my in-laws picked up the three oldest but before they left we walked over to Texas road house which is right next to the hotel. The kids got coupons from their dentist for free happy meals and my in-laws were generous enough to take the adults out. Inara ate exceptionally well. She ate half of a grill cheese sandwich, a small dish of mashed potatoes and half a glass of milk. She also tried a pickle for the first time. I was expecting her to pucker and turn away but instead she loved the pickle.Tomorrow we check out of the hotel after three weeks and head home. Now comes the mountainous task of organizing and unpacking.

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