Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ice Cream Social

The fun thing planned today was the annual ice cream social at Gigi's playhouse. The social was for the afternoon and the kids were running around crazy with excitement. They love going to Gigi's and getting them to leave the playhouse always proves difficult.At Gigi's Ronan gets clapped for when he walks. He soaks all of it in because he is well aware of how amazing he is. Confidence is not a quality Ronan lacks. He also enjoyed the tool bench they had. he figured out how to use the hammer.

Gigi's always has various costumes for kids to put on. The three big kids discovered the costumes for the first time today. Jadzia's first costume was a pink unicorn/Pegasus and then she tried on a fairy costume. Landon picked the monster's inc monster and Xander a dragon. The boys switched after a little while and then Landon was a cowboy complete with a horse.
I need to buy Jadzia a little kitchen because whenever we go to Gigi's Jadzia only wants to play with the kitchen. She even pretended to wash all the dishes and put them away in the cabinet.
Of course since it was an ice cream social we had ice cream. There was about any type of topping you could think of. The kids enjoyed being able to pick whatever toppings they wanted. Xander tried a little of everything. He was also generous and shared with Inara. He came up with a rather unique method of feeding Inara. He held one end of the spoon in his mouth and then fed her. Inara thought it was pretty funny.

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