Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Purple Princess Twins

I promised Jadzia she could wear her purple, puffy dress today. She looked like a little princess and of course acted like one. She walked around as though swift movement would break rare china that is until she got outside. She then twirled and twirled. The hand posing is completely Jadzia's idea. She is naturally photogenic. I never have to tell her how to pose.
Inara had a pretty,purple dress today too. Jadzia called herself and Inara the Purple Princess Twins. No, their dresses don't resemble each other but both contained purple making them eligible to be twins

I took some sister pictures. They are becoming good friends.

I'm not sure what they thought was funny about me taking their picture but every time I would snap a picture of them they would giggle.
I'm sure in the future they will share many secrets and giggles.

Xander got a haircut. His hair was starting to get out of control and he always looks good trimmed up. Here's his before and after.
Landon was happy today because yesterday his Grandma brought him new shoes. He has been wanting sketchers hot lights shoes forever. I've never heard of them befre but apparently they are the coolest shoes ever made. This pair was a hand me down and the lights don't work. Landon said it was ok because just wearing the brand was an honor.No it's not winter in July. Jadzia got a strawberry shortcake vest and insisted it needed to be tried on for the afternoon.

Tomorrow starts another busy week of appointments. We have something every day but Friday. Thursday Ronan has more esophagus surgery and I'm praying for no ruptured esophagus. Last time they came pretty close. You can only stretch a balloon so far and so many times before it pops.
You'll have to excuse Xander's sad face, we had a slight strawberry jelly fiasco. Running out of jelly on PB&J night is just wrong.

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